Privacy Policy
Last update: 28 Jul 2021.
In a nutshell is the Model Recruitment department of BV (Postbus 3691, Amsterdam, 1001AL, Netherlands; Chamber of Commerce: 3435 5317; VAT number: NL821153985B01)).
We take the privacy of models and modelling applicants very seriously.
We collect information about you that you provide to us. We store it securely, and we never share it with anyone else. Only people who have a clear and present need to access your data can access it. You can ask to see the info we hold about you, and ask us to delete it in some circumstances.
What personal information we collect about you
We collect personal information you tell us, for example your name, address, phone number, email, and details about you such as your education, pubic hair style, tattoos, comfort with levels of posing and sexual acts on camera, etc. Later, if your application is successful, we record metadata about the shoots you appear in (date, place, payment, serial numbers).
As part of the application process, you may be asked to provide us the following:
- Six test photographs of you, four topless, shot by you, meeting our requirements
- A copy of your identification
We store them securely with your other personal information. You do not have to supply to these images, but we will not be able to offer work if you refuse. However, supplying these items do not guarantee we will offer you work – we require them to make an assessment of your suitability.
If you choose to appear in shoots, you’ll be photographed in states of sexualised nudity, and appear similarly on video. You have the option of choosing not to answer any question we ask on video, and to refuse any pose requested (however, a complete shoot must be made to receive payment). You’ll be asked to sign a “Release” form that permits us to use the media we make of you for commercial purposes.
When preparing for a shoot, we ask you to provide information about your illnesses, medications and allergies, along with contact information for two next of kin, in case there is an accident or you’re sick. We keep this securely with your other information, but on Shoot days it’s also SMS’d to the Shoot Producer so they have it handy in case they need it. Shoot Producers delete that SMS after the Shoot day.
If you choose to appear in shoots that involve body fluid exchange with another model (ie, sex), we may ask you to be tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections. We’ll store these results with other shoot documents indefinitely. On the morning of a shoot day, your shoot partners are are offered an opportunity to review your STI test results, as are you for theirs.
How the personal information we collect is stored
All information you supply to us is stored in our Models Database, which is held extremely securely (using similar techniques to how banks store their data). Only staff and Contractors who have a clear and present need to access your data will be able to.
Emails you send us are stored securely, protected by two-factor authentication and strong passwords that are changed regularly.
The data in the Models Database is backed up regularly, and stored on separate service that is similarly secured and accessible to people with a clear and present need to access it.
How we use the personal information about you
We use this information to communicate with you, to decide whether to offer you work, what kind of work to offer, and how much money to offer for that work.
Some information, such as signed Release forms and ID captures, are securely stored to comply with government requirements.
How your personal information is shared
Your information is only ever available to trained and authorised members of the staff, Contractors, and Contract Shoot Producers who you agree to make shoots of you. Staff’s employment Agreements require staff observe this Privacy Policy, and Agreements we hold with other data users (for example, Shoot Producers) also require this.
We restrict access to your personal information to only those people who have a clear and present business need to have it, such as those responsible for scheduling shoots and making decisions about what work to offer, and Shoot Producers working with you to create shoots.
People who refer models to us will see some basic information about you in our “Guild” system, so they can track your progress in our onboarding of you, and estimate when they will receive referral fees. Information shared with referrers is limited to: your city, state, and country, your application date, your age, and the current status of your application. No other information is shared with referrers.
When a person stops working with us, their access to your information is terminated, and they do not retain or access your information for their personal use.
We will release your personal information in compliance with lawful requests or court orders (for example, to law enforcement authorities executing a warrant).
For some shoots, we may provide a copy of your ID to some business partners as proof of your age, but some data is redacted. In these cases, we show your image, date of birth, ID serial number, and full name. BV is a Dutch company, so we comply with Dutch Tax law, part of which requires we provide information to the Belastingdienst (Tax office) about models we work with. We are required to provide them the name, address, and amount paid in the financial year. This is called IB-47 – Payouts to Third Parties (“Uitbetaalde bedragen aan derden”) (more info on the Tax Office’s website). This information is transmitted securely to the Tax Office.
When you appear in a shoot that is released on our website, we assign you a pseudonym (a fake name) that we choose and you approve. We also release your age, star-sign, home country, and height. Of course, the media (images and videos; handwritten bios) of shoots you appear in are released on the site (we only leave in the images and video that make you look good). No other information is released to customers.
If you need to travel for a shoot we book with you, we will use your real name when booking tickets for flights and accommodation. Where necessary, we may also provide these suppliers with your phone number, to facilitate the booking process and the supplier’s process requirements. Other personal information may be provided (for example, passport number when travelling from the US to Europe).
Hey, btw, we think it’s awesome you’re reading this! Mention this line of text in our Privacy Policy to get a 50 Euro bonus on your first shoot! :) The only way to claim this is to use the codeword Antelope when emailing on the evening of your first shoot day.
How your personal information is not shared
Apart from the details above, we do not make your personal information available to anyone else. Other than as described above, we do not share your information with advertisers, business associates, or customers. In situations where other companies ask that we disclose your personal information, we refuse to do business with those companies.
We do not release your personal information to anyone over the telephone or email, including your immediate family members. If anyone calls or emails and asks about you, we will not verify that you are associated with us.
If there was an accident or you got sick on a shoot, we would contact the people you listed as next-of-kin, and organise medical attention as soon as possible. We will not discuss the nature of the work with your next-of-kin or healthcare providers, other than what is strictly relevant to your health.
Requesting access to the personal information we hold about you
You may request access to the information we hold about you, and we will provide it after verifying the requestor is who they say they are. We have a documented process for this internally, to ensure only the right person may access the information.
Updating your information
Should you wish to provide updated information to us, we welcome the opportunity to do so – please email with the amendments.
Requesting we remove information about you that we have
If you have not made a shoot with us, you may request that we permanently erase all the information we hold about you, and we will do so in 10 business days (however, if you do this, we will not be able to offer work until we re-collect all the information about you).
If you have made a shoot with us, the data we have collected about you cannot be deleted as it forms part of our records about you (for example, your suitability for work, your agreement as to the scope of the work, and your proof of identity and age).
Data erasure policy
We delete data for candidates who apply but do not proceed to a shoot being made two years after their application date.
Data about models who appear in a shoot with us is never erased.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy please contact our company Director, Garion Hall on, who will respond promptly (note that emails from our company may end up in your spam filter, so please check there).
And finally…
There’s no “end date” on our Privacy Policy, and we’ll retain the data we gather about you for as long as we need to run our business. However, you can request we delete information we hold about you (see considerations above), and / or that we do not contact you anymore.
Change log
28 Jul 2021: Added info about home country.
28 Jul 2021: Started the change log.